Wednesday, September 13, 2006

United Fighting Arts

Are you a member of UFAF and want to see some pictures from the ITC 2006 banquet. Well, I have 34 pictures currently loaded on this site.  You will have to register and let me know that you are UFAF member to gain access to the pictures.  I think these were the best of the ones I took at ITC.  I was using my daughter’s Rebel XT 8 Mega pixel camera with 300mm telephoto lens from across the banquet room.  Most of the pictures were of those receiving awards.

I did learn I will need to get a tripod and closer next time.  :red:

Posted on 09/13/06 at 10:38 PM Site News (0) Comments ;

Site Update

Sorry about the delays on updates to the site. However I have to be honest and let you know I spend way too much time playing Online games. My favorite games at the moment are Eve Online and SWG.  I am also dabbling in WOW.  But back to why I am posting tonight.

I have updated the Site to the latest version on EE. Some other ideas are bubbling on the horizon but no promises or time frames. :>

I have also added about 60 new pictures in the Las Vegas at Night and created a Utah Vacation gallery

Posted on 09/13/06 at 09:28 PM Site News (0) Comments ;

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Eve Trailer

Posted on 07/30/06 at 09:29 AM Reviews (0) Comments ;

Saturday, June 17, 2006 being redirected to here

I have redirected my site to this location as I am going to combine all of the functions of both sites here.  :coolcheese:

Posted on 06/17/06 at 10:52 PM Site News (0) Comments ;

New Section Added - Links

I have added a new section call links that will cover some favorite Links that I use.  I have a few other ideas but am spending too much time playing Eve Online to get anything done here. :coolsmirk:

Posted on 06/17/06 at 10:31 PM Site News (0) Comments ;
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