Sunday, March 05, 2006


I had the opportunity to see a Cirque du Soleil show Mystère the other day and I can tell you I was quite impressed. This was the first time I have had the chance to see one of these shows and I was shell shocked on how good it was. My wife and I got there a few minutes before the show started and it actually started a few minutes before scheduled with a actor interacting with the guests before the show started on the stage and it was done so well that you don’t actually notice it right away.

When this show is over you realize that you just don’t do anything with your body. There are some amazing feats of strength that just make the hairs stand up on your neck as you see it being accomplished. I am not going to spoil you with what happens but I will tell you my two favorite parts are the two men on the half doom and the bar acts. Unbelievable strength is displayed that will leave you gasping for breath.

This show is located at Treasure Island(TI) and is well worth every cent you pay to see it. After watching this show I am going to see the others.

For more information go to this link Mystere by Cirque du Soleil - Treasure Island Hote

Posted on 03/05/06 at 09:34 PM Reviews (0) Comments ;

The Smiling Slut Puppies(SSP)

This month Artist of the month is The Smiling Slut Puppies. Yes, the name is a little odd but was derived when the band witnessed a curious side effect of their music on Eric and Donna’s Pit bulls. The band would play and the dogs would get excited and start humping each other. But enough about the name of the band;

This is a band that is setting their own course in the music industry of Las Vegas. They pride them selves on playing their own music. Don’t get me wrong they do play some covers during their shows but according to Donna they pride them selves on playing their own music. I knew Donna was in a band but did not know just how good they were until the Classic Rock station here in Vegas was doing a remote at a charity event and the DJs were raving about them.

The following was taken straight from their publicity packet and I have to agree with the statement after listening to their self titled CD.

“If the Smiling Slut Puppies could be described in a single word it would be powerful. The shear energy created within the chemistry of its members is unique. The end result is a refreshing new style blending old influences with new and even a few never before heard.”

The band is lead vocalist Donna Carlson, Eric Carlson on Guitar, Michael Gerlicher on Bass and drummer Warren Michaels.

SSP Contacts:
Eric Carlson (702) 498-2208
Warren Michaels (702) 454-0555

Posted on 03/05/06 at 09:32 PM Reviews (0) Comments ;

Latoya Holman

The following review was created in Jul 2004. But was lost in the site update

Our first artist of the month is Latoya Holman. This is one talented lady. I am really surprised no one has snatched her up yet from the entertainment industry. I maybe biased on her since I work with her everyday but I have heard her sing on several occasions and every time she shows her versatility by bringing a new sound. She appears to be constantly trying new things. My favorite sound from her so far has been her instrumental “ Haunted”.

Her notable performances so far have been;

Crook & Chase - television show filmed in Nashville TN

MTV’s TRL - The Big Deal contest finalist. Radio stations across the country submitted one artist that they felt best represented their region. She was selected to represent Las Vegas by 98.5 KLUC. The producers of TRL selected 12 finalists out of all entries who were then flown to the MTV Beach House in San Diego and performed live for a panel of judges. The winner received a recording contract with Sony Records. She was one of the final 12 and was interviewed by Ananda Lewis with her performance being featured on MTV.

Channel 8 Evening News - feature interview to spotlight my TRL performance.

KLUC’s Morning Zoo - 5 interviews and a live performance or original music

Jack’s Irish Pub - guest performer with The Wild Celts

Open Mics around Las Vegas

Not only is she extremely talented but is down to earth and what I can best describe as bubbly. I hope she makes it to the big time.

She can be reached via email at

Facebook: Latoya’s Facebook Page

Posted on 03/05/06 at 09:20 PM Reviews (5) Comments ;

Monday, February 27, 2006

Site is currently under revamp

Please bear with the dust. We are currently changing over to a new fresh CMS system

Posted on 02/27/06 at 10:24 PM Site News (0) Comments ;
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