
Saturday, August 13, 2011

Rice Fields in Japan

Here were some pictures provided by a Friend in Japan of some creative Rice Planting.

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Posted on 08/13/11 at 09:05 PM Pictures (0) Comments ;

Saturday, July 02, 2011

Gear down?

This can be described as one of those ’Moments’ …     

Landing on runway 31 at Diego Garcia, skidding 7,500 feet down the runway.

The aircraft was landing at the end of an 11 hour ferry mission that started at
Andersen AFB , Guam . During the landing, the B-1B caught fire and emergency
Crews extinguished the flames. The four-person aircrew escaped from the plane
Through the overhead escape hatch. The aircraft was finally removed from the
Runway 4 days later.

The Air Force Accident Investigation concluded the pilots forgot to lower the
Landing gear.
The USAF estimated the damage to the B-1B at $7.9 million, and the damage
To the runway at $14,025. RBRM and those old SEABEES made one tough
Runway, that ’ s for sure!

Forwarded to those of you who have never seen a $285,000,000.00 bomber on the deck,
Here she is:

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Posted on 07/02/11 at 03:23 PM Pictures (0) Comments ;
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