In Honor of


In Honor of

Brian Hewitt

Brian is one of my Martial Arts instructors in the United Fighting Arts Federation, and he has also been my Home, Auto, and Life Insurance agent for the last twenty-plus years. When I worked out at North Las Vegas Karate Academy, he used to kick my behind every time we sparred. I was fortunate as a lower belt to be one of the few adults in the class, so I got to fight the Black Belts on a regular basis. My favorite memory of working out with him was when sparring he had a big smile while he was teaching me a lesson on keeping my hands up and checking the kicks when they came in. He is definitely someone you don't want to get into a tussle with.

He currently is a cancer survivor and is in remission.

Posted on 07/12/24 at 09:36 PM
In Honor of

Becky Liston

Becky is a member of my Relay For Life Family. I don't know of a time that she has not made me laugh every time we meet. She is feisty, and my favorite words to hear from her are " Bridge, Shut Up" after I have given her some playful banter. Her fun-loving personality lights up the room.


She is a long-time cancer Survivor

This was a video she made for being a Cancer Survivor

Posted on 05/19/24 at 05:13 PM
In Honor of

Ken Gallacher

Ken is the President and Grandmaster of the United Fighting Arts Federation. He is a cancer Survivor.

He lives by faith and leads by example. He treats everyone like a member of his family.

My favorite memory of him was during a sparring class in which I was sparring with my instructor, his Daughter, Master Tara Cox. I was practicing spinning heel kicks, and she lunged in. I threw a blind technique, which caught her in the face near her eye. He was so concerned for his daughter that he bum-rushed me out of the way to get to her. He is small in stature but big in power! Don't be fooled he is deadly.  I learned a valuable lesson that day. No blind techniques!

Posted on 05/17/24 at 08:10 PM
In Honor of

Michele Harris-Dixon

Michele Harris-Dixon is the heart of Relay For Life of Southern Nevada. She is the team captain of Sisters of the Heart and one of the most dedicated members of Relay besides her Mom, Mary. She is a survivor of Cancer.  We joke that she and her Mom are Relay Bullies as they are not afraid of asking for sponsorships to help to Kick the crap out of cancer.  After retiring from UPS, I moved from Team UPS to Sisters of the Heart due to her inspiration.

Posted on 01/19/24 at 03:46 PM
In Honor of

Shelly Miller

Someone I affectionately call my Relay Wife, who has a lot of passion for helping the American Cancer Society and plays a mean game of pickleball.  

When I joined the Las Vegas ELT several years ago, she helped me understand what we have to accomplish. I was fortunate to be a co-lead with her during the 2021 campaign.

She is a survivor of Cancer for 20+ years

Here is the latest video she made for being a cancer survivor

Posted on 11/30/23 at 02:10 PM
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