Michele Harris-Dixon is the heart of Relay For Life of Southern Nevada. She is the team captain of Sisters of the Heart and one of the most dedicated members of Relay besides her Mom, Mary. She is a survivor of Cancer. We joke that she and her Mom are Relay Bullies as they are not afraid of asking for sponsorships to help to Kick the crap out of cancer. After retiring from UPS, I moved from Team UPS to Sisters of the Heart due to her inspiration.
Posted on 01/19/24 at 03:46 PM
In Honor of
Shelly Miller
Someone I affectionately call my Relay Wife, who has a lot of passion for helping the American Cancer Society and plays a mean game of pickleball.
When I joined the Las Vegas ELT several years ago, she helped me understand what we have to accomplish. I was fortunate to be a co-lead with her during the 2021 campaign.
She is a survivor of Cancer for 20+ years
Here is the latest video she made for being a cancer survivor
Posted on 11/30/23 at 02:10 PM
In Honor of
Aldro Grieco
Al was my best friend while I was in the US Air Force. I met him in Misawa AB, Japan, where he was a Senior NCO in charge of our office. I know he settled me down and got me focused on doing the right thing even when no one is looking.