Kazuharu Tanno

My brother-in-law. Since my wife's father passed away before I met her, I had to ask his permission to marry my wife. He was very dedicated to his family and worked hard to support them and his mother.
His lost is battle with Cancer
Those who have lost their lives to Cancer
My brother-in-law. Since my wife's father passed away before I met her, I had to ask his permission to marry my wife. He was very dedicated to his family and worked hard to support them and his mother.
His lost is battle with Cancer
Gary, better known as Gary the Mime, was a member of my Relay For Life Family and has been one of our ambassadors over the years. My favorite memory of him was during COVID-19. We had to have a drive-through relay, and he was our grand marshal. He was in costume, driving his little red convertible car, waving and having a grand old time.
He was a long-term cancer survivor who recently lost his battle with Cancer. He will be deeply missed. Relay won't be the same without him
Here was his video on being a cancer survivor
Michael was a co-worker at UPS and married to Irene Mulqueen my first mentor there. He will be missed by many people. He lost his battle with Lung cancer on January 23, 2024
Kathy is the most beautiful soul I have ever been around. I was fortunate to meet her when one of my partner supervisors was testing at the Jeff Speakman Kenpo 5.0 World Training Center here in Las Vegas. On several occasions, she invited me to take some photos and videos of their Annual Summer Camp Black Belt test they held at South Point. She was the top female black Belt in the Kenpo 5.0 style.
I also ran into her at the Tuff-n-off Marital Arts events where she was judging. Every time I met her I would get a big smile and tight hug. She always treated me as though I was her close friend even though I only met her occasionally.
She lost her battle with Cancer and will be deeply missed by a lot of people
Betty was a long-time friend here in Las Vegas. I was introduced to her and her husband, Art, when I first moved here. My dad was stationed with Art on one of his naval Ships. After Art passed away, we continued our friendship through our love of Football and my support for her husband's Ship Reunion website, USSalgolaka54.org, which still runs in their memory.
She did not win her battle with Cancer.