Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Celebrating Jordan Berman and Jasmine Crockett

This month is Women's History Month, which celebrates all women for their contributions to history and society.

This week, I am celebrating two ladies trying to impact our lives positively despite the current madness. 

Jordan Berman is a lawyer on social media who emphasizes Unbiased Politics. She educates her followers on various topics with an unbiased approach. Do I like everything she says? No, but I have a lot of trust that she is not trying to misguide people. What I loved about following her is that she tells you that you may not like what you see, as it won't fit the narrative you are looking for. 

I have found her postings enlightening and straightforward, which anyone can understand. In my personal opinion, she stands out because she does not try to put her spin on things; she tries to educate people so we can think critically about current topics without all the spin that legacy Media does.  

YouTube Channel: (1) Unbiased Politics with Jordan Berman - YouTube

Instagram: Instagram




U.S. Representative Jasmine Crockett from Texas's 30th Congressional District. You will not like this straightforward and strong lady if you lean right. She is very open about her dislike of our current administration, and she is fighting for her constituency and the US as a whole. She shows a lot of courage standing up for everyday Americans. She can be rather blunt and has been known to be a little crude in language, but passions bring that out sometimes in the heat of the moment.  What I love about her is her being very direct in her approach. There is no sugar coating or being passive about letting you know her thoughts. You will not have to guess where she is coming from. She has American values at heart and will not let them be violated.

Posted on 03/25/25 at 02:33 PM Personal Blog